Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Welcome to my Humble Abode!

Welcome to my new abode! Maybe it's about time I get out in the open. Oh, no, I'm not gay or anything, it's just that I want to come out now in a blog with my crazy ideas that's always going on inside this little head of mine. There's nothing wrong in trying to be a writer, right? I mean I'm a writer and I have published articles but that doesn't mean I'm the greatest. These days, there are a lot of good writers around. We just don't notice them.

I'm not sure if I'm a good writer though because my vocabulary is not that high as in I just use very simple words that people could understand unlike an entertainment columnist who writes with high-falluting words that I wouldn't understand. Maybe you could say I'm one of the masses. But I really want to express myself in very simple words. That's why you wouldn't see me using all those very formal words people use to say something. Uh-uh, not me, okay?

I'm your typical, old-fashioned and simple writer who gets the word across - no matter what.

Next time, I'll upload my picture here so you could see who Milay 68 is.

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