Today was one of those days that I was really waiting for because I signed up for it and I really didn't want to miss what was going to be shared since it was for free. It's webinars like these that you get to learn stuff that you don't get to learn on your own, well, sometimes. And I even woke up like five minutes before 9 a.m., which I rarely do on an ordinary day. But since this was something I felt I have to listen to and I'm sure will pick up tips and tricks, I attended it until the last minute.
Definitely, it was a day of information overload, literally, but not in a negative way. Information overload for me right now is all the information I gained from listening to people who are authorities in their own right, which is like attending a whole day of classes in school, something like that. But this one is something that you really want to listen to or maybe interested to listen to the topic at hand.
I am grateful that the speakers had Power Point Presentations wherein I could take down some notes, (haha, so old school of me but that's how I learn more and I have something to go back to if I need to) because the speakers were basically like taking so long to talk about a topic that's on the slide.
The first speaker, Mark Delgado, talked about what he learned about Social Media Monitoring for Customer Pulse. He gave a good presentation and shared his own theories of the things that cover this.
Second speaker, Ms. Vanj Padilla, shared her experiences of what social media and blogging can do to SMEs. Her perspective of social media and blogging gave a fresh point of view. Her piece of advice was be certified and be mentored to learn more.
Gilmar Padua who discussed the importance of graphic design in blogs was quite a bit nervous in sharing his ideas to the audience. For him, to have good readership is to have a balance between content and design. He definitely knows what he's talking about.
The topic Using Online Video to Create Engaging Content for Blogs and Social Media was almost postponed because Randolph Novino was having a hard time connecting to the webinar. But Ms. Janette Toral, one of the moderators, had to use her phone to get him connected to the webinar. Interesting. I liked the way he presented the topic. It's probably the old school person in me. I like people enumerating the item and then tackling it one by one.
The only thing I wasn't really agreeing to was when Randolph suggested that we invest in equipment to give quality and professional-like videos. For me, not yet. I would have to make do with what I have at this point and go from there. But all in all, his presentation was meaty.
The last but not least to present was Ms. Fleire Castro, the birthday girl. She emphasized the pronunciation of her name in one of her slides, it's pronounced as Flare-ree, if I remember correctly. Ms. Fleire, correct me if I'm wrong, ha. Her topic was about Using Social Media and Blog to Build Influence. Boy, did I get a lot of information also from her.
The most memorable statement that I got from her was, "Influence is Power." Yes, such a powerful statement. I couldn't forget it that's why I tweeted that right away. And definitely, words are powerful so we have to use them wisely.
All in all, I enjoyed and learned so many things today from this webinar and I hope and pray that many like these types of webinars would be organized for people like me to learn and pick up tips, tricks, advices, anecdotes from authoritative speakers.
The only hitch or glitch was that there was this window on my end that kept popping up that's why I couldn't type in my comment or question directed toward the speakers. And was sort of shy to raise my hand and talk. Haha. Next time, I will.
What more can I say? I would like to thank the group who came up with this event. I give this a two-thumbs up.