It's all about chicken. I learned that chicken is better to eat than most meat like pork and beef because of its nutritious value. That is what Bounty Fresh wants to impart to its customers.
During the event, Bounty Fresh's nutritionist, Joan Sumpio explained how nutritious chicken is. It has protein, phosphorus, vitamins B3 and B6 and selenium. I didn't know that before this event. There are other nutrients found in chicken. There's iron, fat, calcium, beta-carotene and vitamins B1 and B2. So, chicken is packed with those nutrients for our growing family.
And to this, Bounty Fresh has recommended a daily menu for parents to serve their children with nutrition-packed food for a more healthy lifestyle. These are their suggestions.
- Chicken Afritada
- Fried Chicken
- Chicken Adobo
- Chicken Bar-b-q
- Chicken Tinola
- Chicken Curry
- Chicken Fillet Steak
- Lemon chicken
- Chicken Cubes Menudo
- Chicken Ala King
The Chef at work, Bruce Lim.
That's the chicken tocino right there. Doesn't it look tempting? Wait, there's more.
Now, isn't that so delicious? Doesn't that make your mouth water with so much gusto?
That's the chicken sausage that is so delicious. I never thought chicken could taste that good.
I have a video of Chef Bruce in action on this link:
Hope you can check it out.